Lecture: Apache Kafka

"[...] a system optimized for writing"

Event large

Apache Kafka has become a popular and widely used stream processing solution in recent years.
This presentation is intended to explain the concept and the basic architecture of the platform.

What do Yahoo, Twitter, Netflix, Spotify, Pinterest, Uber, Goldman Sachs, Paypal and Tumblr have in common?
They all use Kafka for data handling - in a wide variety of forms.
Despite relatively moderate requirements, Kafka can handle large amounts of data in real time.
In the context of this presentation, Kafka will be presented in broad lines to get an understanding of what is behind the streaming platform, which is becoming more and more prominent and by now already used by many prominent companies whose success is based on using large amounts of data aka "Big Data".


Day: 2018-11-04
Start time: 14:40
Duration: 01:00
Room: Vortragsraum 2
Track: Administration
Language: en



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